For nearly 20 years, believers have been gathering all around the world for the Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem, resulting not only in fervent prayers but also in changed lives. Many people from various continents have shared about the impact of these gatherings of prayer.
Event Endorsers

Watch: Highlights from DPPJ around the World!
Reports from Around the Globe
Democratic Republic of Congo:
“Pastor Bulakila began the day by preaching on the radio Malamu Sango from 8 AM until 9 AM, educating all pastors and leaders in the area about the global Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem. Because of preparations for weeks in advance, churches and leaders understood the vision and there was strong involvement in the entire province of Bandundu. Pastor Bulakila was able to travel to several churches that day and personally lead the services as they prayed for Jerusalem, Israel. This was possible through the generosity of Reverend Luswa, who loaned Pastor Bulakila a motorcycle and driver to travel to all of the locations.”
“The Valley of Blessings Church in Musoma, Tanzania, reported that they had 24-hour prayer for Jerusalem since September 1st and that by the end of the day on the first Sunday of October, 1,650 Christians in our church had fasted and prayed for Jerusalem and our nation. This year the performance was so huge. We invited local government officials for our DPPJ day. Among the invited was our district commissioner who sent her representative with police traffic officers, who led our demonstration from about 5 km away to the church. We had a gathering of over 7,000 in the church and outside it. We prayed for Israel lifting our national flag and Israel’s. It was a great day and STAR TV and ITV covered the event.”
China / Hong Kong:
“Many believers of all ages and different cultures gathered under the leadership of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem in Hong Kong to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Led by Colin and Nancy Chow of ICEJ Hong Kong, all of the prayer points were translated into Chinese and these committed Christians who love Israel, took their national holiday on the first Sunday of October to spend the day interceding for the many needs of the Israeli people and the land. Due to security reasons, the more restricted Chinese believers in the underground churches in Mainland China received the educational DPPJ Resources through strategic Emails, Facebook, and through our direct DPPJ website link to our Chinese resources.”
“The service was led by Dr. Young Hoon Lee, Senior Pastor of Yoido Full Gospel Church, whose congregation is 450,000. We held the observance at the third worship service with an attending congregation of 30,000 – 50,000, including satellite churches. Our special guest was the Israeli Ambassador in Korea, H.E. Uri Gutman; he and his delegation attended the service at our main sanctuary. We had a special time when all of the people stood and prayed for the Peace of Jerusalem before the sermon was delivered. After sermon delivery, H. E. Uri Gutman was introduced by the senior pastor and he greeted the entire congregation; the congregation responded with clapping and cheers. The worship service of Yoido Full Gospel Church is broadcast to the satellite churches via satellite broadcasting and to the 4 major Christian TV broadcasting companies.”
“Praise the Lord, we had a wonderful event for the Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem. Three hundred believers gathered to pray and to fellowship together afterwards. Please keep us in your prayers as we are doing ministry in a Muslim country where it is a very tough time for churches. God bless you.”
“We had churches from all around the world participating in our DPPJ time of prayer. These included churches from Germany, New Zealand, Fiji, Darwin Queensland, Charters Towers Queensland, Gympie Queensland, Katherine Queensland, West Australia, South Australia, Woy Woy NSW, as well as other churches from the U.S., China, and Singapore. About 1000 Facebook Friends were invited to participate, as well as 350 members of the Pray for Israel Group. Also involved were about 300 ladies, which included many Prayer Home Cell groups. We know that many other unnamed prayer warriors also joined us in prayer for the peace of Jerusalem. God Bless Israel!”
Solomon Islands:
“As the body of Christ around the globe gathered to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, Christian friends from the Solomon Islands participated from the ends of the earth, praying for the Peace of Jerusalem. The event was hosted at Eden Prayer Centre in Honiara, the capital city of Solomon Islands. The meeting started with worship and was followed by a teaching on Israel by Dr. Rex Maukera – the organizer of the event – on the Abrahamic Covenant and the responsibility of the Church to stand with the nation of Israel. This was followed by the people responding with prayers of repentance, corporate prayer for the needs of Israeli people and leaders, proclamation prayer of Scripture, and the dissemination of two DPPJ teaching resources to bring more understanding to Christians. It was a remarkable event as the God of Israel continues to remove the scales of the eyes of the Christians to know why standing with Israel is standing with God and values what God loves.”
“Greetings to you from Ukraine! We had anointed DPPJ services on the first Sunday of October and all our Kiev churches and their 5,000 people prayed for the peace in Jerusalem!”
“There was participation of several Pastors representing several Churches, even leaders of the community of believers in Athens of the international charismatic community of churches.
The prophetic focus of the day was the reconciliation between the Greek and Israeli flags, which we placed together at the pulpit and prayed for the 2 nations. That is something we had not done in the previous years. To understand the significance of it, one needs to know that Greece was the only nation in Europe, and one of the few in the world, that voted against the re-establishment of the nation of Israel in the United Nations.”
“We devoted our whole Sunday service to the DPPJ in London, and showed the DVD and many were touched. God’s presence came very powerfully as well!”
United States (California):
“Crenshaw Christian Center and Ever Increasing Faith Ministries in Los Angeles, CA celebrated the DPPJ with Pastor Fred Price, Jr. bringing the message of ‘We pray for Israel because the Bible says so.’ Many people were blessed by the message and comments came in such as: ‘What a blessing to know more about God’s Israel. When the shofar was blowing I stood with tears. God bless you all for bringing us closer together.’ Also, ‘Pastor, you outdid yourself today. You had me wiping tears, and the choir was awesome. What a great tribute to our Jewish family!’”
United States (Pennsylvania):
“The event had between 75 to 100 in attendance representing 15 different churches. We honored and remembered survivors and victims of the Holocaust as well as terror in the land today. We were blessed to have one of our members bring amazing handmade banners of the 12 tribes of Israel. Many participated in times of prayer for Israel. We were blessed to have some from the Jewish community to join us. Churches are already wanting to come next year!”
“Here in Vancouver, we continued to raise a voice for the Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem, and once again our local congregation, representing a cross-section of Vancouver demographics and near the largest university in BC, participated in a teaching and prayer time for this cause. Through personal contacts, awareness for the DPPJ was raised throughout churches and ministries and for intercessors involved across Canada, via Cityscape Ministries, a national intercession and teaching ministry. We also continue to seek to build relationships with the Jewish community here in Vancouver – a large centre for Jews in Canada, as well as home to the Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre.”
“We reached dozens of churches through the internet by MAOZ BRASIL website, with some 3,000 people having access to it last month. In our local church in Rio de Janeiro, we had about 700 people who attended the morning service. I myself presented a brief about the present situation in Israel and Jerusalem, with focus on the prophecies that are being fulfilled before our very eyes. We all joined in a long and fervent intercession for the peace in Jerusalem, Israel, and for the Jewish people. That was a glorious moment. We felt a holy and warfare anointing in the atmosphere, filling our hearts with joy and faith!”
“Hallelujah! Yesterday we had a wonderful gathering in Trujillo, Peru. Children and families prayed for the peace of Jerusalem, a pastor from Lima came to preach in our church, and there were at least 1,000 people praying and 70 church gatherings for DPPJ in Peru, plus others in the High Mountains and the Jungle of Peruvian churches. Also we have a report that inside the main jail in Trujillo, the leaders of 3 churches had a time of DPPJ prayer for Israel. There was a gathering of about 60 guys being taught about Israel and the Second coming of our Lord and King in that place.”
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(Note, we will post as many testimonies on our site as possible, however due to the volume of testimonies received, and due to security restrictions in some regions, not all testimonies may be posted. Thank you for your understanding.)