The Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem (DPPJ), begun in 2002 in meetings with leading political and religious leaders from Israel and the United States, has become the largest Israel-focused prayer event in history.
The DPPJ is a grassroots movement that has been propelled forward by the participation and endorsement of more than 1,500 Christian leaders around the world.
Observed annually on the first Sunday of every October in churches in more than 175 nations, it has leveraged the participation of tens of millions of believers worldwide.

Psalm 122:6 gives us as believers a clear prayer mandate for the city of Jerusalem: “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: ‘May they prosper who love you.’” The DPPJ was organized and established on this sole purpose – to carry out the mandate of scripture and to encourage believers globally to do the same.
This global prayer initiative is founded by the (Late) Dr. Jack Hayford of The King’s University; and is co-chaired by Dr. Robert Stearns (Founder and Director of Eagles’ Wings); and Rev. Samuel Rodriguez (President of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference).
Participants include over 90 million people, from all different cultures, denominations, and generations, joining in prayer from cathedrals in cosmopolitan cities to tribal grass hut churches in Africa, as well as homes all over the world.
We have testimonies from hundreds of thousands of churches in over 175 nations – including “underground churches” from China and 7 predominantly Muslim countries – directly involved in praying for the Peace of Jerusalem.
1. Primarily, praying for the peace of Jerusalem takes place in the local church fellowship as part of their worship service on the first Sunday of October. Participation in the DPPJ for a local fellowship can be as simple as including DPPJ information in their program or bulletin; and incorporating a sermon and prayer devoted to this issue; or it can be as involved and time-consuming as an individual church desires it to be. The important point is that we are enlisting all kinds of churches, from all different worship styles and traditions, from all over the globe, to join with Christians worldwide in praying for the peace of Jerusalem at whatever level of understanding they have about this strategic need.
2. Some cities, states, or nations also have regional gatherings of churches and believers – in addition to the local church worship service – to express their unity in prayer for the peace of Jerusalem and her people.
3. We encourage DPPJ participation for all ages and provide resources appropriate for each stage of life. Instructional and inspirational resources are available for preschool through teens, and college level through adulthood ages. Just click on the corresponding links here to access.
4. There is a special Jerusalem Celebration with worldwide church leaders and Israeli dignitaries that is broadcast on God TV to nearly 200 nations that day.
God is not a respecter of persons; He loves everyone the same. He has a redemptive plan for the descendants of Isaac and the descendants of Ishmael. When we pray for the peace of Jerusalem, we pray for ALL the people who dwell there. Our heart is to see God’s Word fulfilled. We want to see the wall of separation between Jew and Arab broken (Ephesians 2:14); to see unity, love, and appreciation for one another restored; and for God’s full Shalom and blessing to rest upon the land and its people.
We would encourage you to begin praying from your place of burden for Jerusalem and her people and to stay open to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and God’s Word to include other needs and other people groups.
We have developed the Watchmen on the Wall Training Program to equip believers to better understand and pray for the historical, biblical, religious, and political issues surrounding God’s Holy Land and all who live there. The combination of our Watchmen Curriculum and our Watchmen Pilgrimage equip the believer not only with deeper spiritual and intellectual information, but also experiential learning.
We heartily recommend the Watchmen on the Wall Manual, the Watchmen Audio Training Sets (with PowerPoints), plus the supplemental documentaries that are available. Click Here